Sunday, June 19, 2011

Dear blogging world,

One thing that I’ve decided I hate doing is blogging.  It’s one of the things I’ve learned in this class. I’m not saying it to be rude or angry or somehow inflammatory, though I can’t see how you’d take offense unless you were the one true inventor of blogging, if so, many apologies.  Here’s what I don’t understand about it.  What’s it for.  Here are my thoughts, I’ve posted them, and here they are. Then what?  I had the thoughts in my head before and they were fine there, and now they’re here, in a blog. I bet this would be better if I had a true focus.  Like if this were some kind of failblog type thing then there would be enjoyment in this somehow.  But it isn’t, it’s just my thoughts that have been in my head swimming around accomplishing nothing.   I suppose some bloggers feel that what they have to say or their thoughts are worthy of public consumption, I can’t imagine anyone caring what I have to say or what I Think enough to visit a blog dedicated to that alone.  Sure I make some good points and I’m a pleasure to talk to but I feel something is left to be desired by blogging.   I was always told you were to write for a specific audience when you write. But with blogging, there is no audience, and at the same time, everyone is the audience as anyone could stumble upon this and read it.  It’s all too confusing, hats off to the bloggers out there, but I am not among you.


  1. Well, I don't profess to be a blogger myself, and it is a possibility that this may be the last blog I maintain, but I do understand why many people are interested in blogging. For the same reason that many people are interested in following the ideas or opinions of celebrities, read autobiographies, etc..., I believe people generally subscribe to blogs which appeal to their own particular interests. But these are usually specifically themed. For example, I've seen a blog for a guy's journey walking across the country, a blog for some girl's braces, and even a 90 year old dude's blog on life and what he has come to understand in his age. It all depends on the individual person of course. But maybe blogs are not for everyone, though I hardly think it is a place for people to put out their opinions and feel it matters. I thought that was what facebook status updates were for. :P

  2. You have strong opinion on blogging and I totally understand. I was never a fan of blogging either and probably would never have if it wasn’t for this class. I just don’t understand why people want to know what I’m thinking or anything. Some people find it interesting to hear what people are thinking or want to talk about. People just do it because it takes up time and it is some sort of diary. I really will never understand it also but what can we do we just aren’t made out to be bloggers.

  3. To key off what Brian joked at the end of his comment, I will say that I had a spike in my blog reading / commenting / discussion once I fed my blog feed through Facebook. Part of the confusion when starting a blog is always wondering just who your audience is--and my fb friends were a ready-made readership. It flared around the time of the shooting in Tucson (with a lot of Tucson folks responding), which was a lesson to me in terms of timely stories + interested readership. I'm glad you all at least had the opportunity to work with your blogs a bit this summer... You never know when that nub of HTML knowledge will serve you someday!
